Cheng-Yu Hsieh


Ph.D. Student @ UW CSE

Email / Google Scholar / Twitter

I am a Ph.D. student in Computer Science & Engineering at the University of Washington, working with Ranjay Krishna and Alex Ratner on tackling challenges in today’s large-scale machine learning environment.

Previously, I recevied my B.S. and M.S. from National Taiwan University, where I was fortunate to work with Hsuan-Tien Lin. Prior to joining UW, I spent wonderful time visiting Carnegie Mellon University and Univeristy of California, Los Angeles, where I worked with Pradeep Ravikumar and Cho-Jui Hsieh.

Research Interests

My research goal is to democratize AI development by making both data and model scaling more efficient and effective in today’s large-scale environment, based on four complementary areas of work tackling different aspects of data and model scaling challenges. On data side, I study (1) how to efficiently curate large datasets, and (2) how to effectively align model behavior through data. On model side, I tackle (3) how to efficiently deploy large models, and (4) how to effectively adapt large models to downstream applications.



Professional Experience

Student Researcher, Google Cloud AI Research
Mentor: Chen-Yu Lee and Chun-Liang Li
Summer 2022 - Present

Research Intern, RIKEN AIP
Mentor: Masashi Sugiyama
April 2018 - July 2018